If you have never bought an adult toy before, then you may not know that there are so many varieties with each one serving a different purpose. Most people know only a few of the sex toys and many of them often confuse between a vibrator and dildo. Majority of the people do not know the difference between dildo and vibrator, they think both are one and the same.
So, to make people more aware of the different sex toys to enhance their experience, we thought to bring out the difference between dildo and vibrator. Knowing the difference between dildo and vibrator will make you understand the features better and help you make a correct decision:
What is a Vibrator?
Vibrator makes a buzzing sound of vibration when you start using it and you can feel it on using it. Previously the vibrators use to come with one shaft, but nowadays there are many different sizes and multiple shafts vibrators available in the market. The vibrators can be used not only for clitoral simulation, but vaginal penetration too.
What is a Dildo?
If you wish to get only penetration rather than stimulation and are searching for silent sex toy, dildo is best choice for you. You can get different varieties depending on your choice and desires. A Dildo is shaped like the men’s genital and can give you superior pleasure.
Difference between dildo and vibrator
Dildo is quite different from a vibrator. The basic difference that you can make out from the names itself is that the vibrator vibrates, while the Dildo does not. So, when you had full orgasm and your girl wants more you can use a Dildo to satisfy her pleasures. You can use the dildo for vaginal or anal penetration and great sex. It is your wish how you want to move dildo inside vagina.
Most women go for vibrator as the vibrator offers double pleasure due to the vibration effect. This highlights another difference between dildo and vibrator. While dildo cannot be so effectively used for foreplay or clitoral stimulation, vibrator is just perfect for it. Vibrator can send great sensations in your body and make you used to its usage.
The best combination which we suggest you to go for is a vibrating Dildo with removable vibrator. This way you can get the best sexual experience of all the three different worlds. So, which one are you choosing for yourself?
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