G-Spot Vibrators make finding and stimulating your G-Spot easy and enjoyable. SexToys123 have written a handy guide on how you can make the best of you G-Spot vibrator.
Does the G-Spot even exist?
All women have a G-Spot, it is located between 1 and 3 inches up the front of the vaginal wall. Some women can find their G-Spot much easier than other women. If yours is a bit further inside your vagina then it can sometimes feel like you will never be able to reach it. G-Spot vibrators are specifically designed to reach this wondrous area and stimulate it. They are curved up to get to the G-Spot easier and have a larger head to get full stimulation. Most G-Spots respond well to pressure rather than light touch so the shape of G-Spot vibrators make them the perfect device to achieve this G-Spot orgasm.
Is G-Spot Stimulation really that good?
Yes. That is the basic answer. Many women find it much easier to achieve orgasm from G-Spot stimulation and report much stronger, full body orgasm with squirting. All women have the potential to have a full body, squirting orgasm and this is normally achieved through proper G-Spot stimulation.
How to make use of your G-Spot Vibrator
The G-Spot becomes enlarged when you are aroused so the first thing you should do is to get yourself into the mood. If you are with a partner you can try some foreplay or if on your own rub your body and clitoris. Some women enjoy watching Adult Films of fantasising. You probably know better how you get your self aroused so just do what feel good to you.
As it is in different Now you will want to find where your G-Spot is located. Using your fingers and plenty of sex lubricant insert your long middle finger and with a come hither motion feel the front of your vaginal wall. The G-spot will feel a little rougher or ridged than the rest of the vagina and will be spongy when pressed. You should fell extra sensitivity and pleasure when applying pressure.
Now that you have found where your G-Spot is located you can now better use your G-Spot vibrator to experience the ultimate pleasure through G-Spot Stimulation.
With plenty of lube on you vibrator slide it in about 2 inches and press the curved tip up against your front vagina wall. As the G-Spot is surrounded by tissue you may need to use some extra pressure and move your vibrator around to find it.
You will defiantly feel when the G-Spot is being stimulated and it will fill with blood and swell up when aroused. This will make the G-Spot even more sensitive so make sure you take things slowly and relax as it can be too much if you rush in.
G-Spot stimulation often includes female ejaculation. This is where an amount of clear fluid will be released from your vagina. This is nothing to be embarrassed about as it means that you are having fun and experiencing a more intense orgasm.
Are there different types of G-Spot Vibrator?
Yes you can get different varieties of G-Spot stimulator. They all do a similar function and have the same basic shape but some women find different vibrators easier for them to use. You cannot be sure which vibrator is best for you with out trying them all. All G-Spot vibrator will have a curved tip in order to reach the front wall of your vagina. Some have a curved shaft like the G Spot Teaser from Pipe Dream or others like the The Big O Lavender GSpot Vibrator have a curved tip. Some even come with Clitoral stimulator (like the GTongue Rabbit Vibrator or the Wonderboy Mini GSpot Vibrator) to provide you with the ultimate in duel pleasure.
How can I experience G-Spot stimulation whilst having penetrative sex?
This hardly seams possible but with with We-Vibe 4 Couples Vibrator it is.
This amazing vibrator is designed to be worn whilst having sex. It can stimulate both the Clitoris and G-Spot at the same time while your partner penetrates you. This sensation is something that you could not possible experience with out the use of a couples vibrator.
The We-Vibe also has some great features. It comes with a remote control so you can control the vibrations whilst keeping it in. It also has 6 Vibration Modes so you can choose the stimulation that is right for you. It is fully waterproof and is almost silent.
The We-Vibe 3 can also be used alone for G-Spot and Clitoral Stimulation or with a dildo.
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